Our technology


Hetalox specializes in advanced neuroimaging analyses using state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms and AI.

Hetalox SaaS platform

The Hetalox platform offers processing of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, providing advanced solutions based on artificial intelligence for precise segmentation and volumetric analysis of brain structures, especially helpful for patients with neurodegenerative diseases or multiple sclerosis.

Users can easily visualize the results using intuitive interfaces, gaining insights into, among others, quantitative and qualitative analyses of white matter hyperintensities (WMH) and brain atrophy.


Our platform, utilizing artificial intelligence algorithms, generates reports with a comprehensive analysis of neuro-MRI studies. These reports include precise quantitative data on the volumetry of brain structures, allowing for the tracking of changes over time, with special attention to atrophy, vascular damage, and demyelinating changes.

Through long-term insights, we assist in the early detection, monitoring of disease progression, and the adjustment of personalized treatment plans for neurological disorders.

Brain segmentation

Our software enables precise segmentation of the brain and determination of the volume of individual brain structures, utilizing standard atlases such as the Desikan-Killiany and Destrieux atlases.

Additionally, we provide cortical thickness analysis and other volumetric parameters including white and gray matter volume, along with cortical surface analysis.

White matter hyperintensities

We offer white matter hyperintensities (WMH) segmentation and volumetric assessment, which is crucial for monitoring patients with multiple sclerosis and other neurological disorders.

In addition to segmenting WMH lesions on FLAIR sequences, we are capable of providing analyses of hypointense areas on T1-weighted 3D images, which is significant for various research purposes in neuroimaging.

Our offerings include analysis using our in-house software as well as integration with established third-party analysis tools for selected data.

Diffusion Tensor Imaging

we provide Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) analysis with our own preprocessing and algorithms.

Values of fractional anisotropy (FA), mean diffusivity (MD), and volumes of different fiber tracts, enable the assessment of white matter tract integrity based on the anisotropic movement of water molecules along nerve fibers.

Performing DTI can offer important insights for both clinical and scientific purposes, aiding in treatment decisions.

Contact us

We are happy to provide additional information about our technology and explore the possibilities of cooperation.